Identifying a goal is one thing. But sometimes, forming a plan to achieve that goal can feel like a whole different ball game.
AFF Research is ready to step up to bat. We are a great resource in helping you reach your diversity ambitions, and will assist you in establishing a diversity program that is second to none.
Outreach to targeted businesses is vital to developing a diversity program. We maintain an extensive database of certified companies and a program to access these companies throughout the country.
At AFFR, we are passionate about our commitment to continued research. This means we are always current on changes in laws and regulations that affect our clients and can ensure that your program is developed with the most up-to-date requirements in mind.
We can assist targeted businesses in obtaining the following minority certifications:
Woman-Owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (W/DBE)
Minority-Owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (M/DBE)
Veteran-Owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (V/DBE)
Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (SDV/DBE)
Disabled American-Owned Disadvantaged Business Enterprise (DA/DBE)
Local Business (customized to your locality)